Game On Devo Week 3 and a word on Daniel


Game On Wk3 Devotional – Light in the Dark

Bottom Line: You talk by the way you walk.

In Daniel chapter 6, the Babylonians, who were the rulers when we last saw Daniel, have been taken over by the Persians.  Daniel has faithfully served God, won the favor of a king, and now that kingdom is taken over by an entirely new empire.  But like the king of Babylon, the king of Persia notices Daniel too:

Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom (Daniel 6:3 NIV).

It wasn’t so much about what Daniel said. It was about what Daniel did.

In fact, in one translation, it says that God gave Daniel a Spirit of Excellence.  Meaning, that he was not only a sharp individual, but God blessed him in his efforts to do well at his job.  What a great example that we can all look to for our own lives, whether that is our school work, paying job, or the time we give to a cause or a program.

Game On Devotional Week 2


Click here for the Game On Wk2 Devotional

In any kind of competition or event, winning is almost always connected to the amount of preparation. The practice and the skill building may not seem necessary in the moment, but when it’s Game On, those skills are what take us all the way. Daniel was a young Jewish boy who encountered his “Game On” moment over and over. Ultimately it was the preparation of his faith skills that helped him through the most difficult of moments.

Bottom Line: Prayer is about knowing Someone, not getting something.

Game On Devotional Week 1


Bottom Line Session 1:  Our faith grows when we apply the Bible to our lives

In any kind of competition or event, winning is almost always connected to the amount of preparation. The practice and the skill building may not seem necessary in the moment, but when it’s Game On, those skills are what take us all the way. Daniel was a young Jewish boy who encountered his “Game On” moment over and over. Ultimately it was the preparation of his faith skills that helped him through the most difficult of moments.

Here is the first week Devotional

GameOn_Week 1 Devotional