Parent Cue: The Good Life Series

Right now, in our culture, students have a great opportunity to absorb a great amount of knowledge at their fingertips. They have the ability to ask Google or Siri for life advice, what a word means, or dive into deeper aspects of a subject they are learning at school. However, in the world of vast knowledge, a question arises. “What is the right WAY to use all this?” Even with all the knowledge in the world, the human race still needs direction on how to use it properly. How can we make right choices with all our knowledge? This only comes from God. It is called WISDOM.

The Good Life is a four-week series that focuses on the book of Proverbs. It covers the wisdom that can help middle schoolers take a step toward living the good life—God’s best life for them! Real wisdom is hard to come by, but so very important in directing students’ steps. Pointing them to the truth in the book of Proverbs will give them the foundational pieces of wisdom they can not only understand, but also begin to apply to their lives and faith.


“In their hearts humans plan their course,
but the Lord establishes their steps.”



Take time to share what you personally think is the good life with your kid this week. Then, ask them to tell you what the good life looks like to them, too.


Take turns sharing with each other about areas in your life where you could use some wisdom right now. Then, share some ideas about where you could find the wisdom you need.  


Ask your kid where they see you being the least patient with them. Listen to their response and try to exercise more patience the next time you find yourself in that specific situation with your kid.


Watch the movie, Eighth Grade, to learn about what middle school is like these days. (Watch it without your kid as the content may not be age appropriate yet!) Take note of what middle schoolers are dealing with and talk to your kid about some of the things that stuck out to you from the film.

November Middle School Series

This Month’s Series is based on Micah 6:8

“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Thankfully, God doesn’t leave us to wander through life without any directions. He has given us a set of expectations to show us clearly which paths will take us where we need to go. These expectations aren’t arbitrary rules imposed on us just to make our lives harder. Quite the opposite—God’s expectations exist to give our lives meaning and direction. One important thing to know about God’s expectations: they can’t be faked. They have to start with serious heart transformation that only comes from knowing Jesus Christ.

Act. Love. Walk.

Three signs that we are being transformed from the inside out by Jesus. Three signs to point your students squarely in the direction that God wants them to go.

Nov. 6 Week 1 – ACT JUSTLY

Nov. 13 Week 2 – LOVE MERCY


Our annual Thanksgiving service is Tuesday, November 26 at 6:30p in the Main Worship Center. If you would like to participate in the Thanksgiving Cook-off, bring your award-winning CHILI or PIE/DESSERT to the Branch at 6p.