Others First

I remember my college days, a loooooong time ago, and I am grateful for some people that invested in my life. They pointed me in the right direction with God’s Truth and what He has to say about living a life that follows Jesus. One of those thoughts had to do with Servant Leadership. I have to admit, I seem to find myself failing at this attitude that is so greatly displayed in Christ. I must remind myself, as Paul does here in Philippians Chapter 2, that the commandment to LOVE my NEIGHBOR requires me to individually and personally to LOOK UP.

OTHERS FIRST is an easy way to explain this posture. We must move from a ME centered spectrum, that revolves around all MY INTERESTS and move toward an OTHERS mentality that LOOKS UP and realizes that there is a whole world out there that needs attention. I think that if we take this simple concept and decide to put OTHERS FIRST, we realize that we are making an impact by following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ Himself.


This month, we have been going through the Rebel lesson series for our MSM Sunday Morning Bible Study, and your student is learning about the importance of obedience and what not to do when God calls you through studying the story of Jonah.

We realize that you, as parents, are the primary faith influencers in your child’s life. The best disciple making takes place when students’ parents take the lead. Here are some conversation starters to help you talk with your child about what they’re learning:

  • What’s something that stood out to you or surprised you from this lesson series on Jonah?
  • What’s an application you’ve made and how is it going?
  • In what areas of your life is it hardest to be obedient to God? How can you grow in that?
  • How can I be praying for you?


What is OSM NIGHT? OSM NIGHT is a large group WEDNESDAY NIGHT event geared for students to invest and invite a friend. The Oakwood Students Ministry combines both Middle School and High School for a night geared toward sharing the Gospel, Worshipping in Unity, and celebrating Jesus as one BIG OSM FAMILY.  We usually kick off Back to School, kick off Summer, kick off Believe Weekend, with OSM Nights.

5:30 Hangout
6PM Pizza
6:30 Opening Game
OSM Worship Band   

Second Step – GROW

OUR MSM Second step is GROW.

As we work to connect the amazing SHIPLEY DO-NUT to Spiritual steps in the MSM, we take the second step to think through and realize that this one is a process.

Think about all the brain changes, hormone changes, brace-face changes, school/educational changes, on top of all the cultural and world-wide changes that hover over us on a daily basis. Just the body alone is a growth process and seems to have intentionality within it.

Much like a GOURMET RECIPE for a SHIPLEY DO-NUT, God has a certain WAY of moving in our lives and a PATH for GROWTH spiritually.

1 John Chapter 2 speaks to those who keep HIS WORD as those who find the perfection of GOD’S LOVE. If we live in HIM and walk as JESUS walked, we begin the process of growth.

THIS RECIPE comes with GOD’S WORD or HIS TRUTH. WE GROW WHEN WE KNOW GOD’S TRUTH. In fact, John goes on to say that the “anointing” as reference to the Holy Spirit is what teaches us THE TRUTH.


Growth is a process

Worried Series – Failure


As Paul writes to his younger companion, he relays various “trustworthy sayings” to Timothy.

2 Timothy 2

11 The saying is trustworthy, for:

If we have died with him, we will also live with him;

12 if we endure, we will also reign with him;

if we deny him, he also will deny us;

13 if we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself.

Trying to paint the picture in my mind, I envision a wise champion of the faith relaying simple truths that may have carried him on his faith journey. We find Paul bringing understanding through strong statements of faith. The certainty of Christ with us and living in His resurrection power. The endurance gained as the eternal perspective of the Kingdom of God will come to reign. Then, right smack in the middle, the divide between our humanity and a Holy God gives comfort in a different way. Our confession with or without Christ results in denial, as we deny Him.

Lastly, a paradox of sorts. “IF WE ARE FAITHLESS,” if WE FAIL, if WE RENIG on our side of the bargain, if WE LOSE SIGHT and miss the mark, WE DO NOT IMPACT THE CONSISTENT, SOLID, BEDROCK of our FAITHFUL CREATOR.


As you look at your past, as you remember your failures, put your hope in the one that REMAINS FAITHFUL. Find the same qualities in the Savior that gifted you eternal life from the start. Receive GRACE and REDEMPTION once again. Walk in newness of life, and find confidence again. Don’t worry, He’s got it.

Parent Cue: Anxiety Conversation Guide

Middle school has always been stressful, but research tells us that
teenagers today are facing more pressure than ever before. Juggling the
changing demands in grades, relationships, and growing responsibilities
places our teens at a much higher risk for stress. But some students are
experiencing more than stress—they are struggling with anxiety.

Click on the Download for a Parent Conversation Guide brought to you by the Parent Cue

DARE 2 SHARE – You Can’t Quarantine the Gospel


Download the Life in 6 Words App

For the next 2 weeks we are talking about three things on Wednesday Nights – PRAYER, CARE, & SHARE.

Greg Stier with DARE 2 SHARE encourages us to reach out to those around us during this pandemic by starting with PRAYER. Are there any people that come to your mind in your circle of influence that need hear the GOSPEL?

The DARE is to think of 3 names, download the app, enter them into the CAUSE CIRCLE and start with prayer.

Click on the Small Group Guide Below for more details or watch Greg Stier’s first video of his “YOU CAN’T QUARANTINE THE GOSPEL” series.

The Life in 6 Words App is an excellent tool to help your Middle Schooler think about SHARING the GOSPEL to their friends. It also provides amazing videos, helps you create a digital GOSPEL story, and connects you with others taking the same steps.

Middle School Worried Series Wk2

Thinking on Week 2 of our Worried Series, I am thankful that NO MATTER what the CIRCUMSTANCE, God will give us exactly what we NEED.

Week 2 Memory Verse

Just as Jesus points us to the Father that meets our needs in Matthew 6 by directing us to “Seek First the Kingdom of God,” we see in 1 Peter 5:6-7 that same thread that can be the key to calming the nerves. The truth is, GOD CARES. More than that, He KNOWS every detail of our lives, gets what we are stepping through, and will get us to the other side. True Humility revolves around acknowledging that GOD’s got it, He can take it off our hands, and He will deal with every situation in His time and His way. With the Mighty Hand of God on our side, who can be against us?

Middle School Worried Series


This month, we are going through the Worried lesson series Sunday Mornings at 9:30am, and your student is learning about how to address the problems of worry, fear, and anxiety as a Christ-follower.

Each lesson gives your student the opportunity to study Scripture and apply it to their own life. Below are the passages we are studying and the main takeaway from each lesson. Additionally, each lesson includes a memory verse, and we’d encourage you to learn these verses alongside your child.

Week 1 Memory Verse
1. Oct 25 – What If I’m Anxious? Philippians 4:4–9   THE TAKEAWAY Knowing God and giving him control gives us peace when we are worried and anxious.  MEMORY VERSE “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV)
2. Nov 1 – What If It Doesn’t Work Out? Luke 12:22–34   THE TAKEAWAY God will give us exactly what we need.  MEMORY VERSE “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6–7 (ESV)
3. Nov 8 – What If I’m Afraid? Psalm 27   THE TAKEAWAY When God is our everything, we have nothing to fear.MEMORY VERSE “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5–6 (ESV)
4. Nov 15 – What If I Mess Up? Matthew 26:34–35, Mark 14:66–72, & John 21:15–19   THE TAKEAWAY Failure isn’t the end of the world; it’s just another opportunity for God’s grace and redemption.MEMORY VERSE “If we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself.”   2 Timothy 2:13 (ESV)

Questions To Ask

We realize that you, as parents, are the primary faith influencers in your child’s life. The best disciple making takes place when students’ parents take the lead. Here are some conversation starters to help you talk with your child about what they’re learning:

  • What’s something that stood out to you or surprised you from this lesson series?
  • What’s an application you’ve made and how is it going?
  • What are some of the things that are worrying you right now, and how are you trusting God with them?
  • How can I be praying for you?